The more passionate we are, the more curious we become. The more questioning we are, the more open-minded we become. And the more open-minded we are, the better taster we become. The more one knows, the more one realizes the entire worlds that remains to be discovered.
Passion brings sophistication and character. And genuine sophistication in our conducts, in both professional and aficionado approaches, is the best thing to develop a sane, balanced, sustainable, and sucesfull Cigar World.
Visit and discover a universe of information about cigars, their production, their quality, and their tasting.
Thanks to the contributions of aficionados, profesionals, and academics, the Journal of the Cigar Society aims to become an open knowledge platform about the cigar culture. Done for everyone and by everyone, The Journal of the Cigar Society most welcomes all contributions!
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Some of the numerous articles written by Didier V. Houvenaghel are published in the Journal of the Cigar Society. However, all the media Didier is producing is published on his Facebook Profile.