100% puros from Nicaragua and hecho a mano (‘made by hand’ in Spanish), Nicarao cigars are born from the noble and harmonious blends of prestigious raw materials grown and harvested in the best soils of Nicaragua. If collected on adapted lands and processed by precise hands, the leaves will give the cigars a strong and charming personality.
NICARAO blends wish to surprise the senses of aficionados with their original and balanced bouquet of aromas. With its unique and attractive richness, the Central American touch provides a nice fragrant and tasteful experience.
The creation of a good cigar requires ideal plant varieties, adapted terroir, excellent expertise, and – above all – lots of passion. We developed our blends with the objective to deliver the intensity of those secrets into the aromas and tastes of our cigars.
Nicarao cigars are born from the artful blending of leaves grown in the soils of Condega, Esteli, Jalapa, Ometepe, and Somoto. Also, the judicious use of black tobacco varieties - such as Corojo 99, Criollo 98, habano 2000 or habano - allows a wide range of combinations and ultimately a well-rounded character of the cigar bouquet. Finally, the multiple and rigorous leave classifications are based on qualities such as colour, texture, thickness and origin, providing quality and consistency to Nicarao blends.
NICARAO offers 3 distinctive lines of cigars:
• NICARAO CLÁSICO, or also called ANNO VI
Always developed with the NICARAO signature, our 3 cigar lines – Clásico, Especial and Exclusivo – have been blended with the desire to give a logical evolution in the aromas, strength and the excellence.
As explained by Didier Houvenaghel: « With the launching of our 3 NICARAO lines, we leverage on our experience and wish to continuously improve our production standards. Our desire was to take steps forward in the maturity of the NICARAO cigars and to show aficionados how proud we are of our lands, our production, and our dedication. The notoriety of Nicaraguan leaves is well established – even in Cuba, especially for our wrappers – but well-known puros nicas remain rare internationally, especially outside North America. Creating such renowned cigars was exactly our objective when developing the NICARAO ESPECIAL and NICARAO EXCLUSIVO lines, and of all that always at an attractive price. »