With the desire to always discover more about our passion, Nicarao constantly launches and supports initiatives that promote the cigar culture, with enthusiasm, neutrality, and open-mindedness.
All Nicarao communications are done with this conviction, especially in our Nicarao Press Realeases and during our seminars and visits organized during Nicarao Tours. Done in association with retail shops, cigar clubs and/or other partners, those events are always a nice moment of conviviality. Very simple and down-to-hearth conversations are always the best opportunities to give and receive knowledge.
All Didier Houvenaghel (Nicarao Cigars) communications, articles, posts, and any other sort of intevention in the world of Cigars are done with the desire to promote the Cigar Culture. Didier has a direct role in the Journal of the Cigar Society and also participates to the cigar culture with his numerous writings.
To share genuinely and pasionately is crucial to the development of a wealthy culture.